• About Us

  • Our members benefit from our resources, networking opportunities and discounts   ̶  and, most importantly, consumers trust HBAGK members and seek them out.

    The Home Builders Association of Greater Knoxville, established in 1951, is a non-profit, trade association for the home building industry. The primary function of the Home Builders Association of Greater Knoxville is to serve as the homebuilding industry watchdog. In addition to monitoring issues that could negatively impact housing affordability, the association provides services to its members that include educational programs, marketing events and community service projects.

    Our members insist that the organizations and companies they do business with are members of the HBAGK. When they need a new supplier or subcontractor, HBAGK members consult our website or membership directory to find suppliers with equally high standards and professionalism. More information is available here. 

  • New Members